General Links

Car Hire
Avis 4965045
Budget 4314000
Hertz 4965849
Murray 4966736
Local Taxis 4773000
Trains (Iarnród Eireann) 504888 / 504544
Bus (Bus Eireann) 508188
Airlines / Airport
Cork Airport is 13 miles from Kinsale.
Aer Lingus 4274331
Ryanair 4313000
British Airways 1 800 626747
Cork Airport 4313131
Marine / Chandlery / Divers
Harbour Master 4772503
CastlePark Marina, (Fuel also) 4774959
Kinsale Yacht Club & Marina 4773433
Sail Ireland Charters (& Fuel) 4772927
Kinsale Boatyard (Middle Cove) 4774888 (Boat Lift)
Kilmacsimon Boatyard 4775134 (Tidal)
Union Chandlery (Cork) 4271643
CH Marine Chandlery (Cork) 4315700
McWilliam Sails (Fountainstown) 4831505
Diver, (Carroll) 4774946
Diesel fuel, Ross Oil. Timoleague (023) 46378
Swansea - Cork UK Reservations: +44 1792-456116
Ireland Reservations: +353 21-4271166
Rosslare - Fishguard See
Dublin - Liverpool Again,
Larne - Stranraer  
Roscoff - Cork  
Banks There are two banks in Kinsale. Normal hours are 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. (5.00 p.m. Monday). Closed all day Saturday and Sunday. ATMs are available at both.
Bureau de Change Kinsale has several. Open 7 days a week, (late opening in summer). Also available at the Post Office and in banks.
Church Services
Roman Catholic Carmelite Friary RC masses 8.30 am, 11 am Tel 4772138 - Parish RC Masses 10 am 12 noon Saturday 7.30 p.m. Tel 4772184/4772043
Church of Ireland St. Multose: 8 am 11.30 am Tel: 023 41263
Methodist 10:30
Post Office On Pearse St. Open 9.00-5.30 p.m. Mon-Sat, closed Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Library Well worth a look in - beside the old temperance hall.
Bars, Taverns and Pubs Normal summer opening hours are weekdays and Saturdays 10.00 am to 11.30 p.m., Sundays 12.30 to 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 to 11.00 p.m. Take 30 minutes off closing times in Winter (if you want!)
Kinsale Chamber of Tourism 4774026 , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Meteorological Reports 1850 123 830 (Munster)
Angling Day Trips 4774946
Tours of Historic Kinsale (086-8267656)
Currency Convertor Microsoft's Currency Convertor

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Emergency Numbers

Car Breakdown 4772124
Ambulance/Fire/Police 999
Doctors 4772253 , 4772717 , 4773077
Dentists 4772788 , 4774133
Chemists 4772130 , 4772629 , 4772077
Kinsale Chiropractic clinic 4773617
Kinsale Hospital 4772202
Kinsale Lifeboat 087-9919918
Kinsale Physiotherapy clinic 4774636
Kinsale Police (Garda) 4772302 (also, Area HQ - 023 41145)

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