Page Errors

You may occasionally come across a faulty link that will result in an error page. This may be a link to a page that no longer exists on the website . If you are unable to locate what you are looking for on our site, please contact us to report the bug at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Screen Resolution

Our website may not be displaying as it should on certain screens. Areas of the website may overlap or may not be visible. This is due to the various screen settings and monitor displays that the website is viewed on. The website’s preferred resolution is 1024x768 pixels and the current minimum resolution is 800x600 pixels. If this is affecting your order you can contact us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to help.


These are files used by many websites to store information. In the case of our site they are used to process your order. If your web browser is blocking cookies, you can access our cart in the following ways:

A) If you are using Internet Explorer, go to "Tools --> Internet Options" and click on the "Privacy" tab. Change your privacy settings to "Medium-High".
B) If you are using Firefox, go to "Tools --> Options" and click on the "Privacy" tab. Click on the "Cookies" section and then the "Exceptions" button. Add the address and click the "Allow" button.
C) If you are using Netscape, go to "Tools --> Cookie Manager" while you are in our shopping cart, and click on "Allow cookies from this site".
D) If you are using Opera, go to "Tools --> Cookies", click on "", press "Edit" and make sure that "Accept cookies for server/domain" is ticked.
E) Click on the “Safari-menu” in Safari. Click on the “Preferences... “ item in the menu - a new window opens. Click on the “Security” icon near the top of the window. Under “Accept Cookies” the “Always” or “Only from sites you navigate to” must be selected. Save changes by clicking “Ok” and go to one of the configuration pages